Nov 23, 2012

New NVidia graphic card driver for Quadro cards seems to lack support for VGA-signal stereo. So if you are using old CRT-monitors with Stereographics Monitor ZScreen stereo panel, do not update to the latest NVidia graphics card driver.

Aug 24, 2012

Jul 10, 2012

If you experience performance issues with EspaEngine and EspaCity and you are using NVidia Geforce graphics card try to disable Aero desktop (Microsoft Windows Vista/7).

Jun 12, 2012

Beta-versio EspaGate-linkistä StellaMap-ohjelmaan on ladattavissa testausta varten tukisivuiltamme. Tuttu EspaGate-toiminnallisuus aiemmista versioista on kirjoitettu kokonaan uusiksi. Se tukee nyt esimerkiksi StellaMap-ohjelman piirremäärittelyjä.

Apr 26, 2012

Interlaced stereo monitors (like Zalman and LG's Cinema 3D series) are good option for stereo with ESPA Systems software. Almost every modern graphics card is supported. 

So if you think lower price solution (replacing NVidia Quadro or AMD FireGL with NVidia Geforce or AMD Radeon) or just want to use stereo with laptop, interlaced monitor may be the solution. And passive stereo glasses are quite comfortable.

But remember that ESPA Systems software is quite graphics intensive so faster is better.
NVidia 3D Vision glasses will require OpenGL quad-buffered graphics card to work with EspaCity (and EspaEngine) stereo. Typically Quadro series cards can do that. No GeForce card have OpenGL quad-buffered support - as far as I know.

To use NVidia 3D Vision glasses for stereo you must enable stereo from NVidia control panel's 3D settings and select NVIDIA 3D Vision as viewing mode. 

Do not enable stereoscopic support (from the tab where you could specify screen depth and laser sight etc.). It is intended for gaming purposes. If you enable it, EspaCity stereo doesn't work with NVision 3D glasses.

Apr 24, 2012

Users have reported that NVidia Quatro 4000 graphics card may report error "OpenGL lost connection" when opening stereo in EspaCity.

The graphic driver suggests a fix to the Windows registry: (

However the described fix is only for adjusting the timeout value (how long the operating system waits the graphics driver to recover). So it is not solution.

The error happens when both classic stereo and extra stereo views are used (same time). So a certain time graphics card & driver has a heavy load - possible some thread issue also. A future graphics card driver may fix this error. 

However I have changed the stereo opening sequence to the new ESPA Software version to avoid this situation. And it did the job.

If you encounter this situation, just download and install the latest version (versions 9.3 release 1 and above).

ESPA Software version 9.3 is available for download.

Visit our website support section (requires username and password) to download the latest version.